*Sign up link coming soon*
Every week, pick up a share of seasonal, freshly harvested produce grown on our farm!
*There is a lot going on off-farm this spring, so the 2024 season will start and end late, running for 20 weeks, from early August to early December.*
My aim is to provide you access to high quality food grown with flavour and freshness in mind. Each share consists of familiar staple vegetables as well as new and interesting varieties that you might not find in most supermarkets.
Your shares will reflect the seasonality of food grown in Southern Ontario, from cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes in the heat of the summer, to hearty root vegetables, frost-sweetened greens from the polytunnel, and winter squash in the fall.
Your shares will be large – enough for a household of four that enjoys their vegetables. That being said, I have also had couples and individuals in the past that have enthusiastically polished off their weekly shares! If the quantity or the price worries you, I recommend splitting a share with family or friends.
Also available: SMALL shares! These are smaller shares that are great for one person or a couple looking to supplement their diet with seasonal vegetables.